In case of any failures, during the periodical inspections or for preventive repair works, regardless of the meter type, our authorized specialists have the expertise required to conduct any necessary works.
Adrem Invest’s meter repair shop was authorized under permit no. B-03-024-15 to conduct metering equipment repair works, issued by the Romanian Office for Legal Metrology, and is entitled to conduct repairs on metering equipment subject to legal metrological control.
Our repair shop issues a warranty for the repairs and provides metrological verification after repairs, in observance of the legal metrology instructions IML 3-05 “Traceability of the results of the measurements taken using metering equipment subject to legal metrological control”, approved by Government Decision no. 1660/2005 as subsequently amended and supplemented.
Upon client request, the meter repair shop can provide technical compliance assessment services concerning power meters, issuing a “Certificate of compliance with the approved model”, as well as professional photos, taken in all stages.
Our staff’s work is always driven by the following factors: quality, professionalism, independence and impartiality and, last but not least, confidentiality.
The meter repair shop features the necessary equipment and resources to delivery high quality services to its clients:
Our objective is to provide high performance and high quality professional services, always proving our technical skills, competitiveness and integrity.